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International Mathematical Modeling Challenge


International Mathematical Modeling Challenge (IM²C or IMMC) is an international contest in mathematical modeling for secondary school students. IM²C is an important international project that NeoUnion has been committed in the long run in order to promote STEM education and innovation. Our co-founder and co-organizer is Consortium for Mathematics and Its applications (COMAP), US.


In the age of Big Data, Industrie 4.0 and Internet +, through the combination of modeling and computation, mathematics has become essential tool and fundamental technology for the fourth generation of industrial revolution and advancement of human civilization. Mathematical modeling has been an important part of STEM education in schools and universities in leading industrial countries such as US and Germany. Nowadays, modeling competencies have been key aspects of the innovation competence.


IM²C is a contest more oriented to education than to competition. The learning and practice of mathematical modeling are effective ways to nurture students' passion and capability for innovation. IM²C’s mission is to build itself as an international contest and community with innovative content in the spirit of educational change. Ultimately, IM²C will be a community for life-long learners to do, to make, and to create, so as to unleash their potential in mathematical modeling and innovation.

In one word, IM²C is a Global Contest in Modeling, an Open Platform for Innovation Education, and a Creative Community for Making.


For more details, please visit the project website at and Facebook at

Sharing of Teachers and  Students

Award Ceremony of IMMC 2019


IMMC 2015

Host: HKU


IMMC 2016

Host: CUHK

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IMMC 2017



IMMC 2018

Host: CityU HK


IMMC 2019

Host: CUHK

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IMMC 2020

Host: CityU HK (Online)


IMMC 2021

Host: HK PolyU (Online)

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IMMC 2022

Host: HKU (Online)


IMMC 2023


Email to IMMC


Tel: (852) 35211296

Fax: (852)35211297


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