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International Mathematical Modeling Challenge (IM²C or IMMC)

International Mathematical Modeling Challenge (IM²C or IMMC) is an international contest in mathematical modeling for secondary school students. IM²C is an important international project that NeoUnion has been committed in the long run in order to promote STEM education and innovation. Our co-founder and co-organizer is Consortium for Mathematics and Its applications (COMAP), US.


EMBA and EDP Program for e-Commerce

The EMBA and EDP programs feature e-Commerce strength and practical orientation in order to meet increasing demand for e-business from entrepreneurs and executives of different industry sectors in mainland China. City University of Hong Kong College of Business ranks among top 50 Business School in the world and No. 2 in Asia due to its strong faculty and curriculum, which makes this program a leading one in the region.

Advanced Innovation Program (AIP)


Advanced Innovation Program (AIP), initiated by NeoUnion ESC Organization, Co-founder of International Mathematical Modeling Challenge (IMMC) with IEEE, the world’s largest technical and professional organization, as Supporter, aims to create an incubational platform for IMMC awardees and other young innovators who have been in universities with strong competencies in modelling, algorithm, and computing for their further innovative career through summer or gap year internships.

AIP innovators are identified at early stage like secondary school through high level contest in mathematical modelling, IMMC ( , and ), and other valuable channels, for their creativity and competencies of modelling, algorithm and computing in solving real world problems in teamwork. These young innovators from across the globe sustain their endeavours in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) fields in their advanced studies when they are in universities. AIP aligns with the educational philosophy of IMMC by linking in talented students to industrial projects to create added values towards their lifelong development in innovation of science and technology for humanity.

Please do not hesitate to ask us any questions. You can start to apply now and send us your update CV.



13-18 Nov 2023

Hong Kong Science Park

The inaugural Hong Kong Laureate Forum will take place in the 13-18 November 2023 at the Hong Kong Science Park. Shaw Laureates and distinguished scientists will spend a week in Hong Kong interacting with about 200 young scientists from around the world, sharing their views, experience and aspirations in various scientific fields. The week of programme will consist of world-class intellectual seminars, discussion groups, workshops, poster sessions and visits to the latest Hong Kong scientific development projects, universities and institutes as well as cross-cultural social activities.

Hong Kong Laureate Forum focuses on promoting understanding and interests of the young generation in Hong Kong in various disciplines in science and technology; fostering the exchanges among scientists of different generations, cultures and disciplines, supporting youth development in Hong Kong and the international community through facilitating networking among young scientists from different parts of the world; and cooperating with and involve different sectors of the community in promoting education and exchanges in various disciplines in science and technology in Hong Kong.

Other Education Activities

NeoUnion organized teachers workshop on mathematical modeling instruction and assessment during Aug 8-10 in Shenzhen, China. Teachers from Mainland, Hong Kong and Macau attended the event. Professors Frederick Leung from the University of Hong Kong, Shangzhi Wang of Leading Expert of State Standard of Mathematics Curriculum, Zhonghua Qiao from Polytechnic University of Hong Kong, and Yong-Hong Kuo from the Chinese University of Hong Kong gave lectures on pedagogy and assessment of mathematics and modeling. Guidelines for Assessment and Instruction in Mathematical Modeling Education published by COMAP and SIAM were introduced and received warmly during the workshop. Vanke Meisha Academy provided venue and facilitated with logistics.

As an Honorary Advisor of the University of Hong Kong Foundation, NeoUnion ESC Organization is pleased to partner with Hong Kong Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences and sponsor the research project “Rethinking Spirituality and Religion in Asia” . The agreement signing ceremony was held on October 28, 2015 at the May Hall, the University of Hong Kong, where the Institute is situated. NeoUnion’s support will help fund the research on spiritual and religious development in China.

With sponsorship by NeoUnion, a team from Diocesan Girls School, Hong Kong, won the Chairman Special Prize at the 2015 International Youth Leader Innovation Conference (IYLIC) on July 15 2015 in Taiwan in recognition of the innovative idea in their Digital Media project on mathematical modeling. The judgment criteria cover innovation, chance of commercialization, exhibition quality, and team performance during conference. IYLIC 2015 conference was organized and sponsored by International Federation of Inventors’ Associations (IFIA) and Taiwan Invention & Innovation Industry Association (TIIA). The team consisted of Wai Chung CHENG, Ho Kiu Allie POON, Huilin LIANG, and Yee Sheung Sonia CHAN. They were the youngest team among the 120 competitors.

NeoUnion organized mini-symposium on Mathematical Modeling Education for High School Students on the 8th International Congress for Industrial and Applied Mathematics(ICIAM 2015) on August 14, 2015 in Beijing. For detailed report, please visit Science and Technology Daily and China Youth Daily .

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